QUalitative & Effectiveness study to Select optimal Treatment - for CLuster-C personality disorders


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  • Paper: Wibbelink, C. J., Venhuizen, A. S. S., Grasman, R. P., Bachrach, N., van den Hengel, C., Hudepohl, S., … & Arntz, A. (2023). Group schema therapy for cluster‐C personality disorders: A multicentre open pilot study. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy.
  • Paper: Groot, I. Z., Venhuizen, A. S. S., Bachrach, N., Walhout, S., de Moor, B., Nikkels, K., … & Arntz, A. (2022). Design of an RCT on cost-effectiveness of group schema therapy versus individual schema therapy for patients with Cluster-C personality disorder: the QUEST-CLC study protocol. BMC Psychiatry22(1), 1-18.
  • Webinar: ‘Herkennen en omgaan met cluster-C persoonlijkheidsstoornissen voor POH-GGZ’.
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